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Madacsi Krisztina
Welcome-Tanulj velunk angolul vezetője
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Szeretettel köszöntelek a Welcome-Tanulj velunk angolul közösségi oldalán!
Csatlakozz te is közösségünkhöz és máris hozzáférhetsz és hozzászólhatsz a tartalmakhoz, beszélgethetsz a többiekkel, feltölthetsz, fórumozhatsz, blogolhatsz, stb.
Ezt találod a közösségünkben:
Madacsi Krisztina
Welcome-Tanulj velunk angolul vezetője
Amennyiben már tag vagy a Networkön, lépj be itt:
Szeretettel köszöntelek a Welcome-Tanulj velunk angolul közösségi oldalán!
Csatlakozz te is közösségünkhöz és máris hozzáférhetsz és hozzászólhatsz a tartalmakhoz, beszélgethetsz a többiekkel, feltölthetsz, fórumozhatsz, blogolhatsz, stb.
Ezt találod a közösségünkben:
Madacsi Krisztina
Welcome-Tanulj velunk angolul vezetője
Amennyiben már tag vagy a Networkön, lépj be itt:
Szeretettel köszöntelek a Welcome-Tanulj velunk angolul közösségi oldalán!
Csatlakozz te is közösségünkhöz és máris hozzáférhetsz és hozzászólhatsz a tartalmakhoz, beszélgethetsz a többiekkel, feltölthetsz, fórumozhatsz, blogolhatsz, stb.
Ezt találod a közösségünkben:
Madacsi Krisztina
Welcome-Tanulj velunk angolul vezetője
Amennyiben már tag vagy a Networkön, lépj be itt:
Kis türelmet...
9. Belling The Cat
A family of mice gathered one night to discuss the problems created by their common enemy, the cat. They fear that the cat will rule the house. A lot of ideas were shared, but none seemed good enough to beat the cat. Then a young mouse suggested that they should tie a bell around the cat’s neck to know when it is approaching and escape the sly cat’s attacks. To this, an old, wise mouse asked, “That’s fine. But who will bell the cat?” Moral: It is easy to propose impossible remedies. Talking about doing something might be good until the action has to be carried out.
8. The Fox And Sour Grapes
On a hot summer day, a fox comes upon an orchard and sees a bunch of ripened grapes. It feels like quenching its thirst. It moves back a few paces, runs, and jumps but falls short of reaching the grapes. It tries in different ways to reach the bunch of grapes, but in vain finally gives up, and declares grapes to be sour anyway. His hunger remains unsatisfied. Moral: It is easy to despise what you cannot get your hands on. Try till you succeed. Also learn to accept your defeat and learn from failures.
6. The Three Little Pigs
It is a tale to illustrate the folly of pigs who do not listen to their mother and build unstable houses. It’s a story where you can add a lot of effects and have your little one enthralled by the suspense of the fate of the big bad wolf. Moral: This fable story teaches that the integrity and motivation of your actions go a long way. Doing a job well is as important as getting the job done in the first place.
2 éve | Madacsi Krisztina | 0 hozzászólás
7. The Crow and The Pitcher
It is a tale every one of us grew up with. It is a story of a crow and his thirst and his infallible attitude of never giving up. The crow uses his ingenuity and resourcefulness to solve his problem. He happily drinks the water and flies away. Moral: Little-by-little does the trick.
8. The Fox And Sour Grapes
One day, an ass wears a lion’s skin that the hunters left to dry. He put it on and walked towards the jungle, giving animals and people a fright on their way. The ass was very proud of itself that day and brayed loudly in delight. Immediately, everyone realized that it was an ass in the lion’s skin and gave it a good beating for frightening them. The fox then says to the donkey: “I knew it was you by your voice.” Moral: Fine clothes may disguise, but silly words disclose a fool.
4. The Ugly Duckling
It is a classic tale of a duckling who finds that all his brothers and sisters and even his friends look like his mom and are more beautiful than he is. All the ducklings used to mock him. Completely dejected, he ran away to a river nearby. After he goes by a few visiting birds, they tell him that he has now grown into a beautiful swan. He realizes that when he looks at his reflection into the river. Moral: You are beautiful just the way you are. Even if they do not meet the ideals set by the world around them.
3. The Hare And The Hound
It is a story of a strong and powerful hound chasing a rabbit. The hound becomes tired and gives up the hunt. Upon being mocked by a herd of goats watching this, the hound explains that the rabbit ran faster as it was fighting to save its life. Moral: Incentive spurs action. You get the best results from the best incentives. Motivation is a key factor in any work being done.
1. The Hare And The TortoiseThis classic race story of one of the fastest creatures on earth, hare and one of the slowest, the tortoise has been a favorite for generations. This truly is a timeless tale that engages young kids. Moral: Never underestimate a task, and be overconfident because that leads to disaster. See a task through without letting your ego swell up. Slow and steady wins the
This classic race story of one of the fastest creatures on earth, hare and one of the slowest, the tortoise has been a favorite for generations.
2 éve | Madacsi Krisztina | 0 hozzászólás
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