Angol: blog

Szeretettel köszöntelek a Welcome-Tanulj velunk angolul közösségi oldalán!

Csatlakozz te is közösségünkhöz és máris hozzáférhetsz és hozzászólhatsz a tartalmakhoz, beszélgethetsz a többiekkel, feltölthetsz, fórumozhatsz, blogolhatsz, stb.

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  • Képek - 493 db
  • Videók - 81 db
  • Blogbejegyzések - 522 db
  • Fórumtémák - 223 db
  • Linkek - 447 db

Madacsi Krisztina
Welcome-Tanulj velunk angolul vezetője

Amennyiben már tag vagy a Networkön, lépj be itt:

Szeretettel köszöntelek a Welcome-Tanulj velunk angolul közösségi oldalán!

Csatlakozz te is közösségünkhöz és máris hozzáférhetsz és hozzászólhatsz a tartalmakhoz, beszélgethetsz a többiekkel, feltölthetsz, fórumozhatsz, blogolhatsz, stb.

Ezt találod a közösségünkben:

  • Tagok - 811 fő
  • Képek - 493 db
  • Videók - 81 db
  • Blogbejegyzések - 522 db
  • Fórumtémák - 223 db
  • Linkek - 447 db

Madacsi Krisztina
Welcome-Tanulj velunk angolul vezetője

Amennyiben már tag vagy a Networkön, lépj be itt:

Szeretettel köszöntelek a Welcome-Tanulj velunk angolul közösségi oldalán!

Csatlakozz te is közösségünkhöz és máris hozzáférhetsz és hozzászólhatsz a tartalmakhoz, beszélgethetsz a többiekkel, feltölthetsz, fórumozhatsz, blogolhatsz, stb.

Ezt találod a közösségünkben:

  • Tagok - 811 fő
  • Képek - 493 db
  • Videók - 81 db
  • Blogbejegyzések - 522 db
  • Fórumtémák - 223 db
  • Linkek - 447 db

Madacsi Krisztina
Welcome-Tanulj velunk angolul vezetője

Amennyiben már tag vagy a Networkön, lépj be itt:

Szeretettel köszöntelek a Welcome-Tanulj velunk angolul közösségi oldalán!

Csatlakozz te is közösségünkhöz és máris hozzáférhetsz és hozzászólhatsz a tartalmakhoz, beszélgethetsz a többiekkel, feltölthetsz, fórumozhatsz, blogolhatsz, stb.

Ezt találod a közösségünkben:

  • Tagok - 811 fő
  • Képek - 493 db
  • Videók - 81 db
  • Blogbejegyzések - 522 db
  • Fórumtémák - 223 db
  • Linkek - 447 db

Madacsi Krisztina
Welcome-Tanulj velunk angolul vezetője

Amennyiben már tag vagy a Networkön, lépj be itt:

Kis türelmet...



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Régebbi bejegyzések

Még régebbiek 

Welcome-Tanulj velunk angolul hírei

Mark’s story I started Spanish at school in September and I like it. We’ve got a good teacher—Old Webb. Mr Webb, not Old Webb,’ my mother always says to me. ‘He isn’t old, you know.’ Old Webb—sorry, Mr Webb—always takes some people from our school to a place in Spain for the first two weeks of the holidays, every July. Old Webb is OK. Not bad, for a teacher. v

Donna's story My story starts in late July. It was July 21st, I think. It was the first day of our holiday, a hot July day. I stood in the sun and looked at the sea. It was eleven o'clock in the morning. I was on the boat at Portsmouth with my mother and father and my sister, Louise. Sea birds played near our big boat and the small boats near us on the sea. I started to look at the people with us on our boat. They all watched the sea birds and talked and laughed. They were all happy on the first day of their holiday too.



The Town’s Story

Comillas is a small town fifty kilometres from Santander, near the sea. In the town there are quiet streets of old buildings and there is a small square. There are small shops and cafés with tables and chairs in the square, under the trees. A lot of people from Madrid come to Comillas for their holidays, and a lot of people from England stay in the town too. In the evenings in June and July and August people like to walk in the streets of Comillas. They stop in the square and stand and talk together; their children play together.


Chapter Four: Bobbie’s Ride

About two weeks later, the old gentleman saw another white sheet with black letters when he looked out of the train. It said: SHE IS NEARLY WELL. THANK YOU.

       Then it was time for the children to tell Mother what they had done. It was not easy, but they had to do it. And Mother was very angry indeed.

       ‘Now listen, it’s true that we’re poor,’ she told them, ‘but you must not tell everyone. And you must never, never ask strangers to give you things.’

       ‘We didn’t mean to be bad, Mother,’ cried Bobbie.


Chapter Three: The Old Gentleman

The children could not keep away from the railway, and they soon got to know the trains that passed by. There was the 9.15 and the 10.07, and the midnight train that sometimes woke them from their dreams.

       One morning they were sitting on the fence, waiting for the 9.15, when Phyllis said, “It’s going to London, where Father is. Let’s all wave as it goes by. Perhaps it’s a magic train and it can take our love to Father.”

       So when the 9.15 came screaming out of the tunnel, the three children waved…

       …And a hand waved back!



Chapter Two: Peter and the Coal

“You’ve often wanted something to happen,’ said Mother, lighting the candle again. ‘And now it has. This is an adventure, isn’t it? I told Mrs. Viney to leave our supper ready. I suppose she’s put it in the other room. Let’s go and see.”

       They looked in the other room but found no supper.

       ‘What a horrible woman!’ said Mother. ‘She’s taken the money, but got us nothing to eat at all!’

       ‘Then we can’t have any supper,’ said Phyllis, unhappily.


hapter One: The Beginning of Things

They were not railway children at the beginning. They lived with their father and mother in London. There were three of them. Roberta – she was always called Bobbie, and was the oldest. Next came Peter, who wanted to be an engineer when he grew up. And the youngest was Phyllis, who was always trying to be good.

       Mother was almost always at home, ready to play with the children, or to read to them. And she wrote stories, then read them to the children after tea.


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Régebbi bejegyzések 

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Madacsi Krisztina 1 hete új blogbejegyzést írt: Donnas story

Madacsi Krisztina 1 hete új blogbejegyzést írt: the railway children

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